70D-3-103. General powers and duties of commissioner. Subject to this chapter:
(1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thecommissioner may make rules authorized by this chapter, including:
(a) providing for an interim procedure for:
(i) licensing; and
(ii) acceptance of an application; and
(b) coordination between filings required under this chapter and:
(i) Title 70C, Utah Consumer Credit Code; or
(ii) Chapter 2, Mortgage Lending and Servicing Act.
(2) The commissioner may enter into a relationship or contract with the nationwidedatabase or another entity designated by the nationwide database to do the following related to alicensee or other person subject to this chapter:
(a) collect or maintain a record; and
(b) process a transaction fee or other fee.
(3) The commissioner shall regularly report the following to the nationwide database:
(a) a violation of this chapter;
(b) disciplinary action under Section
70D-3-501; and
(c) other information relevant to this chapter.
Enacted by Chapter 72, 2009 General Session