71-7-3. Development, operation, and maintenance of Utah Veterans' Cemetery andMemorial Park -- Responsibilities of Department of Veterans' Affairs -- Costs -- Definition. (1) The Department of Veterans' Affairs, in consultation with the Veterans' MemorialPark Board, shall develop, operate, and maintain a veterans' cemetery and memorial park.
(2) To help pay the costs of developing, constructing, operating, and maintaining aveterans' cemetery and memorial park, the Department of Veterans' Affairs may:
(a) by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal FundsProcedures, receive federal funds, and may receive state funds, contributions from veterans'organizations, and other private donations; and
(b) charge fees for at least the cost of the burial of veterans' spouses and other persons,whom the department and the Veterans' Memorial Park Board determines are eligible to beburied in a veterans' cemetery established by the state.
(3) As used in this chapter, "veteran" has the same meaning as in Section
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session