71-8-3. Duties of executive director -- Services to veterans. The executive director shall:
(1) be responsible for the administration and the operation or support of the followingveteran-related operations:
(a) Utah State Veterans' Nursing Homes and Programs;
(b) Utah State Veterans' Cemetery and Memorial Park;
(c) Title 71, Chapter 10, Veteran's Preference;
(d) any locally or federally funded programs for homeless veterans within the state; and
(e) any federally funded education services for veterans within the state;
(2) maintain liaison with local, state, and federal veterans' agencies and with Utahveterans' organizations;
(3) provide current information so that veterans, their surviving spouses and familymembers, and Utah veterans' organizations will be aware of benefits to which they are, or maybecome, entitled;
(4) reach out and assist veterans and their families in applying for benefits and services;
(5) develop and maintain a system for determining how many veterans are employed bythe various government entities within the state and keeping track of them; and
(6) cooperate with other state entities in the receipt of information to create and maintaina record of veterans in Utah.
Amended by Chapter 173, 2007 General Session