71-9-1. Contract to provide assistance to veterans and their widows and children. The Department of Veterans' Affairs is authorized to contract with the American Legion,the Disabled American Veterans, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, asorganized in this state, to provide, especially in the outlying areas of the state, assistance toveterans, their widows, and children as follows:
(1) to disseminate information regarding all laws applicable to veterans, their widows,and children in the preparation, presentation, and prosecution of claims against the United Statesarising by reason of service in the military, naval, or air services;
(2) to assist veterans, their widows, and children in the establishment of all rights and theprocurement of all benefits which may accrue to them under the laws of this state or of theUnited States;
(3) to cooperate with any and all agencies and instrumentalities of this state or of theUnited States having to do with the employment or reemployment of veterans;
(4) to cooperate with any and all agencies and instrumentalities of this state or of theUnited States and make a representative and information available on a rotating basis in theoutlying areas of the state;
(5) to assist veterans in obtaining such preference for employment as may be authorizedby the laws of this state or of the United States; and
(6) to assist veterans, their widows, and children in obtaining emergency relief, and tothat end cooperate with such agencies and instrumentalities of this state or of the United States ashave been or may be established for the purpose of extending emergency relief.
Amended by Chapter 173, 2007 General Session