72-2-121.3. Special revenue fund -- 2010 Salt Lake County Revenue Bonds SinkingFund. (1) There is created a special revenue fund within the County of the First Class StateHighway Projects Fund entitled "2010 Salt Lake County Revenue Bond Sinking Fund."
(2) The fund consists of money transferred into the fund from the County of the FirstClass State Highway Projects Fund.
(3) (a) The fund shall earn interest.
(b) All interest earned on fund money shall be deposited into the fund.
(4) (a) The director of the Division of Finance may use fund money only as provided inthis section.
(b) The director of the Division of Finance may not distribute any money from the fundunder this section until the director has received a formal opinion from the attorney general thatSalt Lake County has entered into a binding agreement with the state of Utah containing all ofthe terms required by Section
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), and until the bonds issued by Salt LakeCounty as provided in the interlocal agreement required by Section
72-2-121.4 are paid off, onJuly 1 of each year beginning July 1, 2011, the director of the Division of Finance shall transferfrom the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund to the 2010 Salt Lake CountyRevenue Bond Sinking Fund the amount certified by Salt Lake County that is necessary to pay:
(i) up to two times the debt service requirement necessary to pay debt service on therevenue bonds issued by Salt Lake County for that fiscal year; and
(ii) any additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
(d) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), and until the bonds issued by Salt LakeCounty as provided in the interlocal agreement required by Section
72-2-121.4 are paid off, thedirector of the Division of Finance shall, upon request from Salt Lake County, transfer to SaltLake County or its designee from the 2010 Salt Lake County Revenue Bond Sinking Fund theamount certified by Salt Lake County as necessary to pay:
(i) the debt service on the revenue bonds issued by Salt Lake County as provided in theinterlocal agreement required by Section
72-2-121.4; and
(ii) any additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
(5) Any money remaining in the 2010 Salt Lake County Revenue Bond Sinking Fund atthe end of the fiscal year lapses to the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund.
Enacted by Chapter 168, 2010 General Session