72-2-123. Rules adopting guidelines -- Partnering to finance state highway capacityimprovements -- Partnering proposals. (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thecommission, in consultation with representatives of local government, shall make rules adoptingguidelines for partnering with counties and municipalities for their help to finance state highwayimprovement projects through:
(a) local matching dollars; or
(b) other local participation methods.
(2) The guidelines shall encourage partnering to help finance state highway improvementprojects and provide for:
(a) consideration of factors relevant to a decision to make a program adjustmentincluding the potential to:
(i) extend department resources to other needed projects;
(ii) alleviate significant existing or future congestion or hazards to the traveling public;and
(iii) address a need that is widely recognized by the public, elected officials, andtransportation planners;
(b) a process for submitting, evaluating, and hearing partnering proposals; and
(c) keeping a public record of each proposal from initial submission to final disposition.
(3) The commission shall submit the proposed rules under this section to a committee ortask force designated by the Legislative Management Committee for review prior to taking finalaction on the proposed rules or any proposed amendment to the rules.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session