72-3-104. City streets -- Class C roads -- Construction and maintenance. (1) City streets comprise:
(a) highways, roads, and streets within the corporate limits of the municipalities that arenot designated as class A state roads or as class B roads; and
(b) those highways, roads, and streets located within a national forest and constructed ormaintained by the municipality under agreement with the appropriate federal agency.
(2) City streets are class C roads.
(3) Except for city streets within counties of the first and second class as defined inSection
17-50-501, the state and city have joint undivided interest in the title to all rights-of-wayfor all city streets.
(4) The municipal governing body exercises sole jurisdiction and control of the citystreets within the municipality.
(5) The department shall cooperate with the municipal legislative body in theconstruction and maintenance of the class C roads within each municipality.
(6) The municipal legislative body shall expend or cause to be expended upon the class Croads the funds allocated to each municipality from the Transportation Fund under rules made bythe department.
(7) Any town or city in the third, fourth, or fifth class may:
(a) contract with the county or the department for the construction and maintenance ofclass C roads within its corporate limits; or
(b) transfer, with the consent of the county, its:
(i) class C roads to the class B road system; and
(ii) funds allocated from the Transportation Fund to the municipality to the countylegislative body for use upon the transferred class C roads.
(8) A municipal legislative body of any city of the third, fourth, or fifth class may use anyportion of the class C road funds allocated to the municipality for the construction of sidewalks,curbs, and gutters on class A state roads within the municipal limits by cooperative agreementwith the department.
Amended by Chapter 131, 2003 General Session
Amended by Chapter 292, 2003 General Session