72-3-206. State park access highways -- Steinaker State Park to Yuba State Park. State park access highways include:
(1) STEINAKER STATE PARK. Access to the Steinaker State Park begins in UintahCounty at State Highway 191 and proceeds northwesterly on State Highway 301 a distance of1.7 miles to the boat ramp at the park and is under the jurisdiction of UDOT.
(2) TERRITORIAL STATEHOUSE STATE PARK. Access to the TerritorialStatehouse State Park is at the parking area in Millard County at milepoint 1.0 on State Highway100. No access road is defined.
(3) UTAH FIELD HOUSE OF NATURAL HISTORY STATE PARK. Access to UtahField House of Natural History State Park is at the parking area in Uintah County at milepoint145.8 on State Highway 40 at 235 East Main in Vernal. No access road is defined.
(4) UTAH LAKE STATE PARK. Access to the Utah Lake State Park begins in UtahCounty at State Highway 114 and proceeds westerly on a county road a distance of 2.5 miles tothe pay gate at the park and is under the jurisdiction of Utah County.
(5) VETERAN'S MEMORIAL CEMETERY. Access to the Veteran's MemorialCemetery is at the cemetery entrance in Utah County at 17111 South Camp Williams Road inBluffdale. No access road is defined.
(6) WASATCH MOUNTAIN STATE PARK. Access to the Wasatch Mountain StatePark begins in Wasatch County on State Route 40 at the junction of Federal Route 3130, a countyroad, then westerly on Federal Route 3130 on River Road, Burgi Lane, and Cari Lane, countyand city roads, to State Highway 224 then northwesterly on State Highway 224 to thecampground entrance.
(7) WILLARD BAY STATE PARK (South). Access to the Willard Bay State ParkSouth begins in Box Elder County at a county road and proceeds northwesterly on State Highway312 a distance of 0.2 miles to the marina parking at the park and is under the jurisdiction ofUDOT.
(8) WILLARD BAY STATE PARK (North). Access to the Willard Bay State ParkNorth begins in Box Elder County at Interstate Highway 15 and proceeds southwesterly on StateHighway 315 a distance of 0.6 miles to the marina parking at the park and is under thejurisdiction of UDOT.
(9) YUBA STATE PARK. Access to the Yuba State Park begins in Juab County atInterstate Highway 15 and proceeds southerly on county road (L203) a distance of 4.1 miles tothe pay gate at the park and is under the jurisdiction of Juab County.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 270, 1998 General Session