72-3-301. Statewide public safety interest highway defined -- Designations --Control -- Maintenance -- Improvement restrictions -- Formula funding provisions. (1) As used in this part, "statewide public safety interest highway" means a designatedstate highway that serves a compelling statewide public safety interest.
(2) Statewide public safety interest highways include:
(a) SR-900. From near the east bound on and off ramps of the I-80 Delle Interchange onthe I-80 south frontage road, traversing northwesterly, westerly, and northeasterly, including onportions of a county road and a Bureau of Land Management road for a distance of 9.24 miles. Then beginning again at the I-80 south frontage road traversing southwesterly and northwesterlyon a county road for a distance of 4.33 miles. Then beginning again at the I-80 south frontageroad traversing southwesterly, northerly, northwesterly, westerly, and northeasterly on a countyroad and a Bureau of Land Management road to near the east bound on and off ramps of I-80Low/Lakeside Interchange for a distance of 2.61 miles. The entire length of SR-900 is a totaldistance of 16.18 miles.
(b) SR-901. From SR-196 traversing westerly and northwesterly on a county road to ajunction with a Bureau of Land Management road described as part of SR-901, thennorthwesterly to a junction with a county road for a distance of 8.70 miles. Then beginning againat a junction with SR-901 traversing northwesterly on a Bureau of Land Management road to ajunction with a county road for a distance of 6.52 miles. Then beginning again at a junction withSR-901 traversing southwesterly on a Bureau of Land Management road to a junction with acounty road for a distance of 5.44 miles. Then beginning again from a junction with SR-901traversing southwesterly on a county road to a junction with a county road a distance of 11.52miles. Then beginning again at a junction with SR-196 traversing westerly on a Bureau of LandManagement road to a junction with a county road for a distance of 11.30 miles. The entirelength of SR-901 is a total distance of 43.48 miles.
(3) The department has jurisdiction and control over all statewide public safety interesthighways.
(4) (a) A county shall maintain the portions of a statewide public safety interest highwaythat was a class B county road under the county's jurisdiction prior to the designation under thissection.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section
17-50-305, a county may not abandon anyportion of a statewide public safety interest highway.
(c) Except under written authorization of the executive director of the department, astatewide public safety interest highway shall remain the same class of highway that it was priorto the designation under this section with respect to grade, drainage, surface, and improvementsand it may not be upgraded or improved to a higher class of highway.
(5) A class B county road that is designated a statewide public safety interest highwayunder this section is considered a class B county road for the purposes of the distribution formulaand distributions of funds. The amount of funds received by any jurisdiction from the class B andC roads account under Section
72-2-107 may not be affected by the provisions of this section.
Amended by Chapter 222, 2001 General Session