operation and maintenance activities;
(f) include all interstate routes, all expressways, and all highways on the NationalHighway System as designated by the Federal Highway Administration under 23 C.F.R. Section470, Subpart A, as of January 1, 2005; and
(g) exclude parking lots, driving ranges, and campus roads.
(4) In addition to the provisions of Subsection (3), in rural areas a state highway shall:
(a) include all minor arterial highways;
(b) include a major collector highway that:
(i) serves a county seat;
(ii) serves a municipality with a population of 1,000 or more;
(iii) serves a major industrial, commercial, or recreation areas that generate trafficvolumes equivalent to a population of 1,000 or more;
(iv) provides continuity for the state highway system by providing major connectionsbetween other state highways;
(v) provides service between two or more counties; or
(vi) serves a compelling statewide public safety interest; and
(c) exclude all minor collector streets and local roads.
(5) In addition to the provisions of Subsection (3), in urban areas a state highway shall:
(a) include all principal arterial highways;
(b) include a minor arterial highway that:
(i) provides continuity for the state highway system by providing major connectionsbetween other state highways;
(ii) is a route that is expected to be a principal arterial highway within 10 years; or
(iii) is needed to provide access to state highways; and
(c) exclude all collector highways and local roads.
(6) In addition to the provisions of Subsections (3) and (4), in tourist areas, a statehighway:
(a) shall include a highway that:
(i) serves a national park or a national recreational area; or
(ii) serves a national monument with visitation greater than 100,000 per year; or
(b) may include a highway that:
(i) serves a state park with visitation greater than 100,000 per year; or
(ii) serves a recreation site with visitation greater than 100,000 per year.
(7) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,the department shall make rules:
(i) establishing and defining a functional classification of highways for the purpose ofimplementing this section;
(ii) defining and designating regionally significant arterial highways; and
(iii) establishing an access management policy consistent with the functionalclassification of roadways.
(b) The definitions under Subsection (7)(a) shall provide a separate functionalclassification system for urban and rural highways recognizing the unique differences in thecharacter of services provided by urban and rural highways.
(c) The rules under Subsection (7)(a):
(i) shall conform as nearly as practical to the Federal Highway Administration Functional
Classification Guidelines; and
(ii) may incorporate by reference, in whole or in part, the federal guidelines underSubsection (7)(c)(i).
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session