72-4-115. State highways -- SR-91 to SR-97, SR-99, SR-100. State highways include:
(1) SR-91. From Route 15 south of Brigham City; then easterly through BrighamCanyon and Logan to the Utah-Idaho state line near Franklin, Idaho.
(2) SR-92. From Route 15 near Point of the Mountain east through American ForkCanyon to Route 189 in Provo Canyon.
(3) SR-93. From the on- and off-ramps on the west side of Route 15, east along thesouth city limits of Woods Cross to Route 89.
(4) SR-94. From Route 70 northeasterly to Thompson.
(5) SR-95. From Route 24 east of Hanksville southerly crossing near the confluence ofthe Dirty Devil and Colorado Rivers to a point 4.3 miles south of Blanding on Route 191.
(6) SR-96. From Clear Creek northerly through Scofield to Route 6 near Colton.
(7) SR-97. From Route 37 east on 5500 South Street in Hooper to the Hill Air ForceBase Northwest gate.
(8) SR-99. From Route 15 south of Fillmore northerly through Fillmore to Route 15.
(9) SR-100. From Route 99 in Fillmore westerly then northerly to Route 50 west ofHolden.
Amended by Chapter 79, 2006 General Session