72-4-118. State highways -- SR-121 to SR-128, SR-130. State highways include:
(1) SR-121. From Route 40 in Roosevelt northerly to Neola; then easterly throughLaPoint and Maeser to Route 40 in Vernal.
(2) SR-122. From the Utah Railway right-of-way line near Hiawatha easterly to Route10 near Carbon-Emery County line.
(3) SR-123. From Route 6 at Sunnyside Junction easterly to Sunnyside.
(4) SR-124. From Horse Canyon coal mine northerly through Columbia Junction toRoute 123.
(5) SR-125. From Route 50 east of Delta easterly to Oak City; then northerly to Route132 near Leamington.
(6) SR-126. From Route 15 south of Layton northerly to Route 89 at Hot SpringsJunction.
(7) SR-127. From Route 110 easterly on Syracuse Road to a junction with Route 108 inSyracuse.
(8) SR-128. From Route 191 near Moab northeasterly along south bank of ColoradoRiver to Dewey; then northerly to Route 70 approximately six miles west of Cisco.
(9) SR-130. From Route 15 northerly through Cedar City to Route 21 north ofMinersville.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 270, 1998 General Session