72-4-122. State highways -- SR-161 to SR-165, SR-167, SR-168. State highways include:
(1) SR-161. From Route 70 near Cove Fort northwesterly to Route 15.
(2) SR-162. From Route 191 in Bluff easterly to the Utah-Colorado state line.
(3) SR-163. From the Utah-Arizona state line southwest of Mexican Hat northeasterly toRoute 191 near Bluff.
(4) SR-164. From Route 15 southwest of Spanish Fork easterly to Route 198 one-halfmile south of Spanish Fork.
(5) SR-165. From Paradise northerly through Hyrum and Nibley to Route 91 in Logan.
(6) SR-167. From Route 84 near Mountain Green northerly on Trappers Loop Road toRoute 39 south of Huntsville.
(7) SR-168. From the north entrance of Hill Air Force Base northerly to Route 60 inRiverdale.
Amended by Chapter 79, 2006 General Session