72-4-124. State highways -- SR-186, SR-189, SR-190. State highways include:
(1) SR-186. From Route 89 at Beck Street in Salt Lake City southerly on Victory Roadand Columbus Street; then easterly on Third North; then southerly on State Street to FourthSouth Street; then easterly on Fourth South, Tenth East, and Fifth South Streets; then southerlyon Foothill Boulevard to Route 80.
(2) SR-189. From Route 15 south of Provo northerly on University Avenue and ProvoCanyon to Route 40 south of Heber.
(3) SR-190. From Route 215 at Knudsen's Corner southeasterly to Route 210 at themouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon; then easterly through Big Cottonwood Canyon to Brighton,including Brighton Loop; then easterly through Guardsman Pass to the Salt Lake-WasatchCounty line.
Amended by Chapter 57, 2008 General Session