72-4-134. State highways -- SR-282, SR-284 to SR-287, SR-289, and SR-290. State highways include:
(1) SR-282. At University of Utah.
(a) From 500 South Street north on Campus Center Drive to South Campus Drive.
(b) From University Street and 400 South Street easterly and northeasterly on SouthCampus Drive to Wasatch Drive.
(c) From Foothill Boulevard Route 186 northerly on Wasatch Drive to South MedicalDrive.
(d) From Wasatch Drive northerly on South Medical Drive and West Medical Drive toNorth Campus Drive; then south and southwest to University Street and 100 South Street.
(2) SR-284. At Weber State University in Ogden.
(a) From 4100 South Street northerly on the peripheral road to Edvalson Street; thennorthwesterly and westerly on 3700 South Street to Route 203, Harrison Boulevard.
(b) From Route 203 easterly on 4100 South Street to Taylor Avenue.
(c) Campus North Road from the north-south peripheral road easterly on Edvalson Streetto Foothill Drive.
(d) From Route 203, Harrison Boulevard, easterly on 3850 South Street to north-southperipheral road.
(e) From Route 203, Harrison Boulevard, easterly on 4000 South Street to thenorth-south peripheral road.
(3) SR-285. The Institute for the Deaf. From Twentieth Street in Ogden northwesterlyto Monroe Avenue.
(4) SR-286. From Route 235 to and including a peripheral road at the State IndustrialSchool in Ogden.
(5) SR-287. From Route 140 northerly to the Utah State Prison Vehicle DirectionStation.
(6) SR-289. At College of Southern Utah. From Route 130 in Cedar City westerly onCenter Street to 1150 West Street; then south to Second South Street; then east to Third WestStreet; then north to Center Street, providing a peripheral road around the College of SouthernUtah.
(7) SR-290. At Snow College. From Route 89 in Ephraim easterly on First North Streetto Fourth East Street; then south to Center Street; then west to Route 89, providing a peripheralroad around Snow College.
Amended by Chapter 57, 2008 General Session