72-4-301. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Committee" means the Utah State Scenic Byway Committee created in Section
(2) "Corridor management plan" means a written document:
(a) required to be submitted for a highway to be nominated as a National Scenic Bywayor All-American Road that specifies the actions, procedures, controls, operational practices, andadministrative strategies to maintain the scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, archeological, andnatural qualities of a scenic byway; and
(b) adopted by each municipality or county affected by the corridor management plan.
(3) "Non-scenic area" means:
(a) any property that is unzoned or zoned for commercial or industrial use adjoining ahighway that does not contain at least one of the intrinsic qualities described in Subsection
72-4-303(1)(b) immediately upon the property; or
(b) any property that is unzoned or zoned for commercial or industrial use that containsan intrinsic quality described in Subsection
72-4-303(1)(b) immediately upon the property but theintrinsic quality does not represent the primary use of the property.
(4) "Segmentation" means:
(a) removing the scenic byway designation from a portion of an existing scenic bywaythat adjoins a non-scenic area; or
(b) excluding a portion of a highway from a scenic byway designation where the highwayadjoins a non-scenic area.
Amended by Chapter 195, 2010 General Session