72-6-106. Use of recycled asphalt. (1) In making plans, specifications, and estimates, and in advertising for bids under thischapter, the department shall allow up to 25% but may allow up to 60% reclaimed asphaltpavement to be incorporated into hot asphaltic concrete used for road construction andmaintenance.
(2) The department shall ensure that hot asphaltic concrete incorporating reclaimedasphalt pavement meets or exceeds the department quality standards for roads constructed ormaintained with hot asphaltic concrete not containing reclaimed asphalt pavement.
(3) If the department rejects any hot asphaltic concrete containing reclaimed asphaltpavement, the department shall give a written statement to the provider indicating the specificreasons the hot asphaltic concrete was rejected.
(4) This section does not authorize the state to directly or indirectly subsidize theproduction of hot asphaltic concrete containing reclaimed asphalt pavement.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 270, 1998 General Session