72-6-115. Traffic Management Committee -- Appointment -- Duties. (1) As used in this section, "committee" means the Traffic Management Committeecreated in this section.
(2) (a) There is created within the Department of Transportation the Traffic ManagementCommittee comprising up to 13 members knowledgeable about traffic engineering, traffic flow,air quality, or intelligent transportation systems as follows:
(i) two members designated by the executive director of the department;
(ii) one member designated by the Utah Association of Counties;
(iii) one member designated by the Department of Environmental Quality;
(iv) one member designated by the Wasatch Front Regional Council;
(v) one member designated by the Mountainland Association of Governments;
(vi) one member designated by the Commissioner of Public Safety;
(vii) one member designated by the Utah League of Cities and Towns;
(viii) one member designated by the general manager of a public transit district withmore than 200,000 people residing within the public transit district boundaries;
(ix) up to four additional members designated by the committee for one-year terms; and
(x) a designating entity under Subsections (2)(a)(i) through (viii) may designate analternative member to serve in the absence of its designated member.
(b) The committee shall:
(i) advise the department on matters related to the implementation and administration ofthis section;
(ii) make recommendations to law enforcement agencies related to traffic flow andincident management during heavy traffic periods;
(iii) make recommendations to the department, counties, and municipalities onincreasing the safety and efficiency of highways using current traffic management systems,including traffic signal coordination, traffic monitoring, freeway ramp metering, variablemessage signing, and incident management; and
(iv) evaluate the cost effectiveness of implementing a specific traffic management systemon a highway considering:
(A) existing traffic volume in the area;
(B) the necessity and potential of reducing vehicle emissions in the area;
(C) the feasibility of the traffic management system on the highway; and
(D) whether traffic congestion will be reduced by the system.
(c) The committee shall annually elect a chair and a vice chair from its members.
(d) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall beappointed.
(e) The committee shall meet as it determines necessary to accomplish its duties.
(f) Reasonable notice shall be given to each member of the committee prior to anymeeting.
(g) A majority of the committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
(h) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, butmay receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(i) Section
(ii) Section
63A-3-107; and
(iii) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections
63A-3-106 and
(3) (a) The Department of Transportation shall implement and administer trafficmanagement systems to facilitate the efficient flow of motor vehicle traffic on state highways toimprove regional mobility, and to reduce motor vehicle emissions where those improvements arecost effective, as determined by the committee in accordance with criteria under Subsection(2)(b).
(b) A traffic management system shall be designed to allow safe, efficient, and effective:
(i) integration of existing traffic management systems;
(ii) additions of highways and intersections under county and city administrativejurisdiction;
(iii) incorporation of other traffic management systems; and
(iv) adaptation to future traffic needs.
(4) (a) The cost of implementing and administering a traffic management system shall beshared pro rata by the department and the counties and municipalities using it.
(b) The department shall enter into an agreement or contract under Title 11, Chapter 13,Interlocal Cooperation Act, with a county or municipality to share costs incurred under thissection.
(5) Additional highways and intersections under the administrative jurisdiction of acounty or municipality may be added to a traffic management system upon application of thecounty or municipality after:
(a) a recommendation of the committee;
(b) approval by the department;
(c) determination of the appropriate cost share of the addition under Subsection (4)(a);and
(d) an agreement under Subsection (4)(b).
(6) The committee may establish technical advisory committees as needed to assist inaccomplishing its duties under this section.
Amended by Chapter 286, 2010 General Session