72-6-117. Limited-access facilities and service roads -- Access -- Right-of-wayacquisition -- Grade separation -- Written permission required. (1) A highway authority, acting alone or in cooperation with the federal government,another highway authority, or another state may plan, designate, establish, regulate, vacate, alter,improve, maintain, and provide a limited-access facility including a service road to thelimited-access facility.
(2) A highway authority may regulate, restrict, or prohibit the use of a limited-accessfacility by pedestrians, animals, or by the various classes of vehicles or traffic.
(3) A highway authority may divide and separate any limited-access facility into separateroadways by the construction of raised curbing, central dividing sections, or other physicalseparations, or by designating separate roadways by signs, markers, stripes, and other appropriatedevices.
(4) A person may not enter, exit, or cross a limited-access facility, except at designatedpoints at which access is permitted by the highway authority.
(5) A highway authority may acquire, by gift, devise, purchase, or condemnation, privateor public property and property rights for a limited-access facility and service road, includingrights of access, air, view, and light. All property rights acquired under this section may be in feesimple or in any lesser estate or interest. A highway authority may acquire an entire lot, block, ortract of land, if needed, even though the entire lot, block, or tract is not immediately needed forthe right-of-way of the limited-access facility or service road.
(6) A highway authority may designate and establish limited-access highways as newfacilities or may designate and establish an existing highway as part of a limited-access facility.
(7) (a) A highway authority may provide for the elimination of at grade intersections of alimited-access facility and an existing highway by grade separation, service road, or by closingthe intersecting highway.
(b) A highway authority may not connect or intersect a limited-access facility without thewritten consent and previous approval of the highway authority having jurisdiction over thelimited-access facility.
(8) Highway authorities may enter into agreements with each other, or with the federalgovernment, on the financing, planning, establishment, improvement, maintenance, use,regulation, or vacation of limited-access facilities or other public ways in their respectivejurisdiction, to facilitate the purposes of this section.
Enacted by Chapter 270, 1998 General Session