72-7-106. Gates on class B and D roads. (1) As used in this section, "county road" means:
(a) a class B road as defined in Section
72-3-103; and
(b) a class D road as defined in Section
(2) The county executive of a county may authorize the erection or maintenance of a gateon a county road in order to avoid the necessity of building highway fences.
(3) The person for whose immediate benefit a gate is erected or maintained shall in allcases bear the expense.
(4) Nothing contained in Section
72-7-105 shall be construed to prohibit a person fromplacing an unlocked, nonrestrictive gate across a county road, or maintaining the same, with theauthorization of the county executive of that county.
(5) (a) A gate is not allowed on a county road unless authorized by the county executivein accordance with the provisions of this section.
(b) If the expense of the erection and maintenance of the gate is not paid or if a lock orother device is placed upon the gate so as to make it restrictive, the county executive of thatcounty shall notify the responsible party that county approval is terminated and the gate isconsidered to be an obstruction under Section
(6) The placement or maintenance of a gate with the authorization of the countyexecutive across a county road does not constitute or establish an abandonment under Section
72-5-105 or
72-5-305 by the county and does not establish an easement on behalf of the personestablishing the gate.
(7) A person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of a class B misdemeanorand is liable for all damages suffered by a party as a result of the acts:
(a) leaves open a gate, erected or maintained under this section;
(b) unnecessarily drives over the ground adjoining the highway on which a gate iserected;
(c) places a lock or other restrictive device on a gate; or
(d) violates a rule or regulation of a county legislative body relating to the gates withinthe county.
Amended by Chapter 239, 2003 General Session