72-7-405. Measuring vehicles for size and weight compliance -- Summary powersof peace officers -- Penalty for violations. (1) Any peace officer having reason to believe that the height, width, length, or weight ofa vehicle and load is unlawful may require the operator to stop the vehicle and submit to ameasurement or weighing of the vehicle and load.
(2) A peace officer may require that the vehicle be driven to the nearest scales orport-of-entry if the scales or port-of-entry is within three miles.
(3) (a) A peace officer, special function officer, or port-of-entry agent may measure orweigh a vehicle and vehicle load for compliance with this chapter.
(b) If, upon measuring or weighing a vehicle and load, it is determined that the height,width, length, or weight is unlawful, the measuring or weighing peace officer, special functionofficer, or port-of-entry agent may require the operator to park the vehicle in a suitable place. The vehicle shall remain parked until the vehicle or its load is adjusted or a portion of the load isremoved to conform to legal limits. All materials unloaded shall be cared for by the owner oroperator of the vehicle at his risk.
(4) An operator who fails or refuses to stop and submit the vehicle and load to ameasurement or weighing, or who fails or refuses when directed by a peace officer, specialfunction officer, or port-of-entry agent to comply with this section is guilty of a class Bmisdemeanor.
(5) Any driver or owner of a vehicle who violates Section
72-7-404 or
72-7-406 is guiltyof a class B misdemeanor.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 270, 1998 General Session