72-7-407. Implements of husbandry -- Escort vehicle requirements -- Oversizepermit -- Penalty. (1) As used in this section, "escort vehicle" means a motor vehicle, as defined underSection
41-1a-102, that has its emergency warning lights operating, and that is being used towarn approaching motorists by either preceding or following a slow or oversized vehicle, object,or implement of husbandry being moved on the highway.
(2) An implement of husbandry being moved on a highway shall be accompanied by:
(a) front and rear escort vehicles when the implement of husbandry is 16 feet in width orgreater unless the implement of husbandry is moved by a farmer or rancher or the farmer orrancher's employees in connection with an agricultural operation; or
(b) one or more escort vehicles when the implement of husbandry is traveling on ahighway where special hazards exist related to weather, pedestrians, other traffic, or highwayconditions.
(3) In addition to the requirements of Subsection (2), a person may not move animplement of husbandry on a highway during hours of darkness without lights and reflectors asrequired under Section
41-6a-1608 or
(4) (a) Except for an implement of husbandry moved by a farmer or rancher or thefarmer's or rancher's employees in connection with an agricultural operation, a person may notmove an implement of husbandry on the highway without:
(i) an oversize permit obtained under Section
72-7-406 if required;
(ii) trained escort vehicle drivers and approved escort vehicles when required underSubsection (2); and
(iii) compliance with the vehicle weight requirements of Section
(b) (i) The department shall issue an annual oversize permit for the purpose of allowingthe movement of implements of husbandry on the highways in accordance with this chapter.
(ii) The permit shall require the applicant to obtain verbal permission from thedepartment for each trip involving the movement of an implement of husbandry 16 feet or greaterin width.
(5) Any person who violates this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
Amended by Chapter 140, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session