72-7-501. Purpose of part -- Utah-Federal Agreements ratified. (1) The purpose of this part is to provide the statutory basis for the regulation of outdooradvertising consistent with zoning principles and standards and the public policy of this state inproviding public safety, health, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of public travel, to protectthe public investment in highways, to preserve the natural scenic beauty of lands bordering onhighways, and to ensure that outdoor advertising shall be continued as a standardized medium ofcommunication throughout the state so that it is preserved and can continue to provide generalinformation in the specific interest of the traveling public safely and effectively.
(2) It is the purpose of this part to provide a statutory basis for the reasonable regulationof outdoor advertising consistent with the customary use, zoning principles and standards, theprotection of private property rights, and the public policy relating to areas adjacent to theinterstate, federal aid primary highway existing as of June 1, 1991, and the national highwaysystems highways.
(3) The agreement entered into between the governor of the state of Utah and theSecretary of Transportation of the United States dated January 18, 1968, regarding the size,lighting, and spacing of outdoor advertising which may be erected and maintained within areasadjacent to the interstate, federal aid primary highway existing as of June 1, 1991, and nationalhighway systems highways which are zoned commercial or industrial or in other unzonedcommercial or industrial areas as defined pursuant to the terms of the agreement is hereby ratifiedand approved, subject to subsequent amendments.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 270, 1998 General Session