72-10-304. Powers and duties of division. (1) The division may make available its engineering and other technical services, with orwithout charge, to the state, a county, municipality, or airport authority or person desiring them inconnection with the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, or operationof airports or air navigation facilities.
(2) (a) The division may render financial assistance by grant, loan, or both, to any county,municipality, or airport authority, in the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement,maintenance, or operation of an airport owned or controlled, or to be owned or controlled by thecounty, municipality, or airport authority, out of appropriations made by the Legislature for thesepurposes.
(b) Financial assistance may be furnished in connection with federal or other financial aidfor the same purposes.
(3) (a) The division may use the facilities and services of other state agencies and of thecounties and municipalities to the utmost extent possible.
(b) The state agencies, counties, and municipalities shall make available their facilitiesand services.
(4) All powers granted to any county, municipality, or airport authority by this chaptermay be exercised jointly with any county, municipality, or airport authority, and jointly with anystate agency or the United States if the laws of the other state or of the United States permit thejoint exercise.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 270, 1998 General Session