72-10-603. Duties of the Criminal Investigation and Technical Services Division --Costs of separate file and background check. (1) If a city requests the division to conduct a criminal background check under Section
72-10-602, the division shall:
(a) release to the city the full record of criminal convictions for the ground transportationservice provider who is the subject of the background check;
(b) if requested by the city, seek additional information from regional or nationalcriminal data files in conducting the criminal background check;
(c) maintain a separate file of fingerprints submitted under Section
72-10-602; and
(d) notify the requesting city when a new entry is made against a ground transportationservice provider whose fingerprints are held in the file.
(2) (a) Each city requesting a criminal background check shall pay to the division thecost of:
(i) maintaining the separate file of fingerprints under Subsection (1); and
(ii) conducting a criminal background check under Section
72-10-602, including costscharged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or other entity for conducting a national criminalbackground check, if requested by a city.
(b) The cost borne by a city under Subsection (2)(a) may be covered by fees charged to aground transportation service provider who is the subject of the background check.
Enacted by Chapter 137, 2006 General Session