72-11-103. Authority of Passenger Ropeway Safety Committee -- Location ofsystem. (1) The committee is authorized to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve or extend,maintain and operate, either directly or through others by contract, lease, concession or otherwise,a passenger ropeway system for the transportation of persons and property between a point orpoints in the:
(a) Wasatch Mountain State Park; and
(b) Uintah and Wasatch National Forests in the upper parts of Big Cottonwood, LittleCottonwood and American Fork Canyons in Salt Lake, Utah and Wasatch Counties.
(2) The committee may acquire by purchase, contract, lease, permit, donation orotherwise, and to construct, maintain and operate, either directly or through others, by contract,lease, concession or otherwise, all property, rights of way, approach roads, parking and otherareas, structures, facilities and services for the convenience and recreation of patrons of thetransportation system and visitors to the Wasatch Mountain State Park.
(3) Any contract, lease, concession, or other arrangement may be entered into in a mannerand upon the terms and conditions as the committee may consider advisable.
Amended by Chapter 195, 1999 General Session