73-3-10. Approval or rejection of application. (1) When the approval or rejection of an application is decided, a record of the decisionshall be made in the state engineer's office.
(2) The state engineer's decision shall be mailed to the applicant.
(3) If the application is approved, the applicant shall be authorized upon receipt of thedecision to:
(a) proceed with the construction of the necessary works;
(b) take any steps required to apply the water to the use named in the application; and
(c) perfect the proposed application.
(4) If the application is rejected, the applicant shall take no steps toward the prosecutionof the proposed work or the diversion and use of the public water under the application.
(5) The state engineer shall state in any decision approving an application the time withinwhich the construction work must be completed and the water applied to beneficial use.
Amended by Chapter 48, 1997 General Session