73-4-12. Judgment -- In absence of contest. If no contest on the part of any claimant shall have been filed, the court shall render ajudgment in accordance with such proposed determination, which shall determine and establishthe rights of the several claimants to the use of the water of said river system or water source; andamong other things it shall set forth the name and post-office address of the person entitled to theuse of the water; the quantity of water in acre-feet or the flow of water in second-feet; the timeduring which the water is to be used each year; the name of the stream or other source fromwhich the water is diverted; the point on the stream or other source where the water is diverted;the priority date of the right; and such other matters as will fully and completely define the rightsof said claimants to the use of the water.
No Change Since 1953