73-4-20. Revolving fund -- Money expended not assessable against water users --Transfer of unexpended money to adjudication fund -- Payment of costs of determinations-- Money expended from adjudication fund not assessable against water users -- Surplus toremain in adjudication fund. Money heretofore expended from the state engineer's revolving fund in pendingadjudications shall not be assessable against the water users. All money remaining andunexpended in the state engineer's revolving fund as of July 1, 1953, including moneyappropriated to the revolving fund for the biennium ending June 30, 1955, shall be transferred to afund of the state engineer to be known as the adjudication fund. The revolving fund shall beclosed out upon such transfer of money. The state engineer shall pay all costs of determinationswith money appropriated to the office of the state engineer and deposited in the adjudication fundand with money transferred to such fund as provided above. The money expended from such fundshall not be assessable against the water users. Any money remaining in such fund at the end ofthe biennium shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the adjudication fund untilexpended.
Amended by Chapter 131, 1953 General Session