73-4-5. Statements by claimants. Each person claiming a right to use any water of such river system or water source shall,within 90 days after the completed service of the notice of completion of survey prescribed bySection
73-4-3 hereof, file in the office of the clerk of the district court a statement in writingwhich shall be signed and verified by the oath of the claimant, and shall include as near as maybe the following: The name and post-office address of the person making the claim; the nature ofthe use on which the claim of appropriation is based; the flow of water used in cubic feet persecond or the quantity of water stored in acre-feet, and the time during which it has been usedeach year; the name of the stream or other source from which the water is diverted, the point onsuch stream or source where the water is diverted, and the nature of the diverting works; the datewhen the first work for diverting the water was begun, and the nature of such work; the datewhen the water was first used, the flow in cubic feet per second or the quantity of water stored inacre-feet, and the time during which the water was used the first year; and the place and mannerof present use; and such other facts as will clearly define the extent and nature of theappropriation claimed, or as may be required by the blank form which shall be furnished by thestate engineer under the direction of the court.
No Change Since 1953