73-5a-301. Inspections to insure compliance with plans -- Duties and costs ofowners -- Weekly reports. (1) During construction, enlargement, repair, alteration, or removal of any dam:
(a) the state engineer, his staff, or an independent consultant shall make periodicinspections of the work for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the approved plans andspecifications; and
(b) the owner of the dam shall:
(i) conduct tests that the state engineer determines are necessary;
(ii) provide adequate supervision of the work by an engineer licensed by the state whohas experience in dam design and construction; and
(iii) disclose information sufficient to enable the state engineer to determine that the workis being done in conformance with the approved plans and specifications.
(2) Costs of any work or tests required by the state engineer shall be paid by the owner ofthe dam.
(3) The engineer who is supervising the work pursuant to Subsection (1)(b)(ii) is requiredto submit a report weekly to the state engineer. Each report shall show the work accomplishedduring the previous week and summarize the results of any material testing.
Enacted by Chapter 319, 1990 General Session