73-6-2. Restoration by proclamation -- Priority of applications. (1) Waters withdrawn from appropriation under this chapter may be restored byproclamation of the governor upon the recommendation of the state engineer.
(2) Such proclamation shall not become effective until notice thereof has been published:
(a) at least once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulationwithin the boundaries of the river system or water source within which the waters so to berestored are situated; and
(b) in accordance with Section
45-1-101 for three weeks.
(3) Applications for appropriations shall not be filed during the time such waters arewithdrawn from appropriation; provided, that after the first publication of notice aforesaidapplications may be deposited with the state engineer and at the time such proclamation becomeseffective the engineer shall hold public hearings, giving all applicants notice, to determine whichapplications so filed during the period of publication of such notice are most conducive to thepublic good, and shall file such applications in order of priority according to such determination.
Amended by Chapter 388, 2009 General Session