73-10-3. Organization of board -- Interstate conferences -- Designation ofrepresentative -- Salary -- Compacts -- Ratification required. The board shall elect a chairman, one or more vice-chairmen, who shall be members ofthe board, and shall establish its own rules of organization and procedure.
The board, with the approval of the executive director of natural resources and thegovernor, shall designate a representative who may be one of its members to represent the state ofUtah in all interstate conferences between the state of Utah and one or more sister states held forthe purpose of entering into compacts between such states for the division of the waters ofinterstate rivers, lakes, or other sources of water supply, and to represent the state of Utah uponall commissions or other governing bodies provided for by any compacts which have been or mayhereafter be entered into between the state of Utah and one or more sister states. No such compactshall, however, become binding upon the state of Utah until it has been ratified and approved bythe Legislature of the state of Utah and the legislatures of other states which are parties thereto.
In acting as such representative of the state of Utah, the representative so acting shall actunder the supervision of the governor, through the executive director of natural resources and ofthe Board of Water Resources. The director of the Division of Finance shall fix the salary to bepaid to the representative while he is acting in this capacity.
Amended by Chapter 320, 1983 General Session