73-10-6. Making water available to citizens of state -- Assessment of chargesagainst water users -- Water Resources Construction Fund. The Board of Water Resources may make available for the use of the citizens of the statewho are, in its opinion, best able to utilize the same, any or all water and power conserved by anyof the projects to which the state may have title and may enter into contracts for the use of saidwater and power with individuals or with organizations composed of citizens of the state of Utah. The board may assess against any person using such water and power such charges as, in theopinion of the board, are necessary and reasonable for the maintenance of the project and return tothe state the actual costs of the project over such term of years as the board may deem itadvisable. Any amount collected as charges over and above the amount necessary to maintainany particular project shall become part of the Water Resources Construction Fund.
Amended by Chapter 169, 1988 General Session