73-10d-1. Public policy. The Legislature declares that the policy of this state is to assure its citizens adequatepublic services, including drinking water, water, and wastewater collection, treatment anddisposal at reasonable cost. Adequate public services are essential to the maintenance andgeneral welfare of the citizens of this state and to the continued expansion of the state's economy,job market, and industrial base.
The cost of constructing, owning, and operating capital facilities to meet the anticipatedgrowth in the demand for those public services is becoming increasingly burdensome to politicalsubdivisions, particularly to the smaller communities of the state.
It is desirable that innovative financing mechanisms be made available to assist thecommunities of this state to develop capital facilities to provide adequate public services atreasonable cost. Private sector ownership and operation of capital facilities providing publicservices together with industrial development revenue bond financing of those facilities, can resultin cost savings to communities contracting for those public services.
It is in the best public interest of the state and its citizens that political subdivisions beauthorized to provide public services by access to facilities owned and operated by privatepersons and financed through the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds, and tocontract with private persons for the long-term provision of the services of those facilities.
Amended by Chapter 245, 1985 General Session