73-12-1. Governor authorized to convey to the United States lands or interests insaid lands in bed of or on margin of Utah Lake. For the purpose of cooperating with and assisting the United States of America indeveloping the water resources of this state, the governor of the state of Utah is hereby authorizedto grant and convey to the United States of America by deed or deeds or other appropriateinstrument or instruments such right, title and interest which the state of Utah now has or which itmay acquire in and to the lands herein described, or of any part of the same, and/or to grant andconvey any easement or right of way in, upon or across any such state lands as may be necessaryor desirable in connection with the construction by the United States of America of any storagereservoir, dike or dikes, and/or other works for the development and use of water for irrigationand other purposes; provided, that the governor shall not make any such grants or conveyancesuntil an agreement has been made by the United States of America with a water users'association, and/or other entity or entities for the construction of any of such works in connectionwith which is desired any grant or conveyance provided for in this act.
No Change Since 1953