73-18-17. Scope of application of chapter -- Identical local ordinances authorized --Application for special local rules. (1) This chapter, and other applicable laws of this state govern the operation, equipment,and numbering of vessels whenever any vessel is operated on the waters of this state, or when anyactivity regulated by this chapter takes place on the waters of this state. Nothing in this chapterprevents the adoption of any ordinance or local law relating to operation and equipment ofvessels, the provisions of which are identical to the provisions of this chapter, amendments to thischapter, and rules promulgated under this chapter. Ordinances or local laws shall be operativeonly so long as and to the extent that they continue to be identical to provisions of this chapter,amendments to this chapter, and rules promulgated under this chapter.
(2) Any political subdivision of this state may, at any time, but only after public notice,formally apply to the board for special rules concerning the operation of vessels on any waterswithin its territorial limits. The political subdivision shall set forth in the application the reasonswhich make special rules necessary or appropriate.
Amended by Chapter 99, 1987 General Session