73-18-7.2. Falsified registration or certificate of title. It is a third degree felony for any person to:
(1) alter with fraudulent intent any motorboat or sailboat certificate of title, registrationcard, or registration decal or outboard motor certificate of title issued by the division or itsauthorized agent;
(2) forge or counterfeit any motorboat or sailboat certificate of title, registration card, orregistration decal or outboard motor certificate of title purporting to have been issued by thedivision or its authorized agent;
(3) alter, falsify, or forge any assignment upon a motorboat, sailboat, or outboard motorcertificate of title; or
(4) hold or use any motorboat or sailboat certificate of title, registration card, orregistration decal or outboard motor certificate of title knowing it has been altered, forged, orfalsified.
Enacted by Chapter 216, 1990 General Session