73-18a-2. Littering and pollution of water or lands prohibited -- Penalty. (1) A person may not place, throw, deposit, discard, drop, or discharge and the operatorof a vessel may not permit to be placed, thrown, deposited, discarded, dropped, or dischargedinto or upon the waters of this state, or lands adjacent to these waters any litter, human bodywaste, or other liquid or solid materials which may render the water or lands unsightly, noxious,or otherwise unwholesome or detrimental to the public health or welfare or the enjoyment of thewater or lands for all legitimate uses, including recreational purposes.
(2) A person violating any provision of Subsection (1) is guilty of a class B misdemeanorand shall be fined not less than $100 for each violation.
Amended by Chapter 33, 1991 General Session