73-18a-3. Marine toilets -- Use without pollution control device prohibited --Containers of body waste -- Discharge into waters prohibited. (1) No marine toilet on any vessel used or operated upon the waters of this state may beoperated so as to discharge any inadequately treated human body waste into or upon waters ofthis state directly or indirectly.
(2) No person owning or operating a vessel with a marine toilet may use, or permit theuse of, a toilet on the waters of this state, unless the toilet is equipped with facilities that willadequately treat, hold, incinerate, or otherwise handle human body waste in a manner that iscapable of preventing water pollution.
(3) No container of human body waste may be placed, left, discharged, or caused to beplaced, left, or discharged into or upon any waters of this state or lands adjacent to these watersby any person at any time.
Amended by Chapter 197, 1986 General Session