73-18c-306. Certificate of self-funded coverage as proof of owner's or operator'ssecurity. (1) The division may, upon the application of any person, issue a certificate ofself-funded coverage when it is satisfied that the person has:
(a) more than 24 motorboats; and
(b) on deposit, in a form approved by the division, cash or securities in an amount of$200,000 plus $100 for each motorboat up to and including 1,000 motorboats and $50 for eachmotorboat over 1,000 motorboats.
(2) Persons holding a certificate of self-funded coverage under this chapter shall paybenefits to persons injured from the self-funded person's operation, maintenance, and use ofmotorboats as would an insurer issuing a policy to the self-funded person containing thecoverages under Sections
31A-22-1502 and
(3) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, the divisionmay, upon reasonable grounds, cancel the certificate. Failure to pay any judgment up to the limitunder Subsection
31A-22-1503(2) within 30 days after the judgment is final is a reasonableground to cancel the certificate.
(4) Any government entity with self-funded coverage for government-owned motorboatsunder Title 63G, Chapter 7, Governmental Immunity Act of Utah, meets the requirements of thissection.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session