73-18c-307. Claims adjustment by persons with owner's or operator's securityother than insurance. (1) An owner or operator of a motorboat who maintains owner's or operator's security bya means other than an insurance policy under Section
73-18c-102, shall refer all bodily injuryclaims against the owner's or operator's security to an independent adjuster licensed under Title31A, Chapter 26, Insurance Adjusters, or to an attorney.
(2) Unless otherwise provided by contract, any motorboat claim adjustment expenseincurred by a person maintaining owner's or operator's security by a means other than aninsurance policy under Section
73-18c-102, shall be paid by the person who maintains this typeof owner's or operator's security.
(3) Owners and operators of motorboats maintaining owner's or operator's security by ameans other than an insurance policy under Section
73-18c-102 are subject to the claimadjustment provisions of Title 31A, Chapter 26, Part 3, Claim Practices, in connection withclaims against persons which arise out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motorboat.
Amended by Chapter 211, 2006 General Session