73-26-503. Payment of project costs. (1) Construction and environmental mitigation costs allocated to municipal or industrialuses shall be entirely repaid by the entities contracting for water designated for those uses.
(2) Twenty-five percent of construction and environmental mitigation costs allocated toagricultural use shall be repaid by entities contracting for agricultural water.
(3) The full costs of operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement allocated tomunicipal, industrial, and agricultural uses shall be charged to the entities contracting for waterfor those uses.
(4) Project costs allocated to recreation, fish and wildlife, and flood control are notreimbursable and shall be paid entirely by the state.
(5) (a) The division shall negotiate charges with any person receiving hydropowerbenefits from a project.
(b) The charges shall, at a minimum, be sufficient to pay all project costs allocated tohydropower.
(c) Charges in excess of the amount necessary to pay project costs allocated tohydropower shall be deposited in the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund.
Amended by Chapter 334, 1995 General Session