73-27-102. State Water Development Commission created. (1) The Joint Gubernatorial and Legislative State Water Development Commission iscreated to determine the state's role in the protection, conservation, and development of the state'swater resources.
(2) The commission membership shall include:
(a) four members of the Senate, of whom:
(i) no more than one shall represent the same river district; and
(ii) no more than two shall be from the same party, except the president of the Senatemay appoint up to three senators from the same party if the appointment is necessary to complywith Subsection (2)(a)(i);
(b) six members of the House of Representatives, of whom no more than two shallrepresent the same river district and no more than four shall be from the same party;
(c) a representative of the Office of the Governor;
(d) a representative of the Green River District;
(e) a representative of the Upper Colorado River District;
(f) a representative of the Lower Colorado River District;
(g) a representative of the Lower Sevier River District;
(h) a representative of the Upper Sevier River District;
(i) a representative of the Provo River District;
(j) a representative of the Salt Lake District;
(k) a representative of the Weber River District;
(l) a representative of the Bear River District;
(m) the executive director of the Department of Natural Resources;
(n) the executive director of the Department of Environmental Quality;
(o) the commissioner of agriculture and food;
(p) a member of the Board of Water Resources;
(q) a representative of an organized environmental group; and
(r) a representative of agricultural production.
(3) The president of the Senate and the speaker of the House shall appoint thecommission members from the Senate and the House, respectively. The governor shall appointthe other commission members.
(4) The president of the Senate and the speaker of the House shall designate one senatorand one representative, respectively, as cochair.
(5) Attendance of a majority of the members at a meeting constitutes a quorum for thetransaction of the business of the commission.
Amended by Chapter 254, 2009 General Session