75-1-401. Notice -- Method and time of giving. (1) If notice of a hearing on any petition is required and except for specific noticerequirements as otherwise provided, the petitioner shall cause notice of the time and place ofhearing of any petition to be given to any interested person or the person's attorney if the personhas appeared by attorney or requested that notice be sent to the person's attorney. Notice shall begiven by the clerk posting a copy of the notice for the 10 consecutive days immediately precedingthe time set for the hearing in at least three public places in the county, one of which must be atthe courthouse of the county and:
(a) (i) by the clerk mailing a copy thereof at least 10 days before the time set for thehearing by certified, registered, or ordinary first class mail addressed to the person being notifiedat the post-office address given in the demand for notice, if any, or at the person's office or placeof residence, if known; or
(ii) by delivering a copy thereof to the person being notified personally at least 10 daysbefore the time set for the hearing; and
(b) if the address, or identity of any person is not known and cannot be ascertained withreasonable diligence, by publishing:
(i) at least once a week for three consecutive weeks a copy thereof in a newspaper havinggeneral circulation in the county where the hearing is to be held, the last publication of which isto be at least 10 days before the time set for the hearing; and
(ii) on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section
63F-1-701, for three weeks.
(2) The court for good cause shown may provide for a different method or time of givingnotice for any hearing.
(3) Proof of the giving of notice shall be made on or before the hearing and filed in theproceeding.
Amended by Chapter 90, 2010 General Session