or criminal liability, and is not subject to discipline for unprofessional conduct, for:
(a) complying with a life with dignity order in good faith; or
(b) providing life sustaining treatment to a person when a life with dignity order directsthat the life sustaining treatment be withheld or withdrawn.
(7) To the extent that the provisions of a life with dignity order described in this sectionconflict with the provisions of an advance health care directive made under Section 75-2a-107,the provisions of the life with dignity order take precedence.
(8) An adult, or a parent or guardian of a minor, may revoke a life with dignity order by:
(a) orally informing emergency service personnel;
(b) writing "void" across the form;
(c) burning, tearing, or otherwise destroying or defacing:
(i) the form; or
(ii) a bracelet or other evidence of the life with dignity order;
(d) asking another adult to take the action described in this Subsection (8) on the person'sbehalf;
(e) signing or directing another adult to sign a written revocation on the person's behalf;
(f) stating, in the presence of an adult witness, that the person wishes to revoke the order;or
(g) completing a new life with dignity order.
(9) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (9)(c), a surrogate for an adult who lacks healthcare decision making capacity may only revoke a life with dignity order if the revocation isconsistent with the substituted judgment standard.
(b) Except as provided in Subsection (9)(c), a surrogate who has authority under thissection to sign a life with dignity order may revoke a life with dignity order, in accordance withSubsection (9)(a), by:
(i) signing a written revocation of the life with dignity order; or
(ii) completing and signing a new life with dignity order.
(c) A surrogate may not revoke a life with dignity order during the period of timebeginning when an emergency service provider is contacted for assistance, and ending when theemergency ends.
(10) (a) The Department of Health shall adopt rules, in accordance with Title 63G,Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to:
(i) create the forms and systems described in this section; and
(ii) develop uniform instructions for the form established in Section 75-2a-117.
(b) The Department of Health may adopt rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to designate health care professionals, in addition to thosedescribed in Subsection (2)(b)(ii), who may prepare a life with dignity order.
(c) The Department of Health may assist others with training of health care professionalsregarding this chapter.
(11) A physician assistant may not prepare or sign a life with dignity order, unless thephysician assistant is permitted to prepare or sign the life with dignity order under the physicianassistant's delegation of services agreement, as defined in Section 58-70a-102.
Amended by Chapter 99, 2009 General Session