75-3-716. Co-representatives -- When joint action required. If two or more persons are appointed co-representatives and unless the will providesotherwise, the concurrence of a majority is required on all acts connected with the administrationand distribution of the estate. This restriction does not apply when any co-representative receivesand receipts for property due the estate, when the concurrence of all cannot readily be obtained inthe time reasonably available for emergency action necessary to preserve the estate, or when aco-representative has been delegated to act for the others. Persons dealing with aco-representative if actually unaware that another has been appointed to serve with him or ifadvised by the personal representative with whom they deal that he has authority to act alone forany of the reasons mentioned herein, are as fully protected as if the person with whom they dealthad been the sole personal representative.
Enacted by Chapter 150, 1975 General Session