75-7-204. Trust proceedings -- Dismissal of matters relating to foreign trusts. (1) The court may not, over the objection of a party, entertain proceedings under Section
75-7-201 involving a trust which:
(a) is under the continuing supervision of a foreign court;
(b) is registered in another state; or
(c) has a fiduciary which transacts a major portion of its trust administration in anotherstate.
(2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the court may entertain a proceeding regarding anymatter involving a trust if:
(a) all appropriate parties could not be bound by litigation in the courts of the other state;or
(b) the interests of justice would be seriously impaired.
(3) The court may condition a stay or dismissal of a proceeding on the consent of anyparty to the jurisdiction of the courts of another state, or the court may grant a continuance orenter any other appropriate order.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2003 Special Session 2