76-3-208. Imprisonment -- Custodial authorities. (1) Persons sentenced to imprisonment shall be committed to the following custodialauthorities:
(a) felony commitments shall be to the Utah State Prison;
(b) (i) class A misdemeanor commitments shall be to the jail, or other facility designatedby the town, city, or county where the defendant was convicted, unless the defendant consents tocommitment to the Utah State Prison for an indeterminate term not to exceed one year;
(ii) if the defendant consents to commitment to the Utah State Prison for an indeterminateterm not to exceed one year, the court may impose the sentence. The court may not order theimprisonment of a defendant to the Utah State Prison for a fixed term or other term that isinconsistent with this section and Section
(c) all other misdemeanor commitments shall be to the jail or other facility designated bythe town, city or county where the defendant was convicted.
(2) Custodial authorities may place a prisoner in a facility other than the one to which hewas committed when:
(a) it does not have space to accommodate him; or
(b) the security of the institution or inmate requires it.
Amended by Chapter 249, 1995 General Session