76-3-301.5. Uniform fine schedule -- Judicial Council. (1) The Judicial Council shall establish a uniform recommended fine schedule for eachoffense under Subsection
(a) The fine for each offense shall proportionally reflect the seriousness of the offenseand other factors as determined in writing by the Judicial Council.
(b) The schedule shall be reviewed annually by the Judicial Council.
(c) The fines shall be collected under Section
(2) The schedule shall incorporate:
(a) criteria for determining aggravating and mitigating circumstances; and
(b) guidelines for enhancement or reduction of the fine, based on aggravating ormitigating circumstances.
(3) Presentence investigation reports shall include documentation of aggravating andmitigating circumstances as determined under the criteria, and a recommended fine under theschedule.
(4) The Judicial Council shall also establish a separate uniform recommended fineschedule for the juvenile court and by rule provide for its implementation.
(5) This section does not prohibit the court from in its discretion imposing no fine, or afine in any amount up to and including the maximum fine, for the offense.
Enacted by Chapter 152, 1988 General Session